ZKON is a zkTLS oracle network powered by MPC and ZKPs to verify data provenance and integrity.

Integiry for the

Real World Data

TrueData SDK enables privacy-first, tamper-proof data interactions, seamlessly connecting secure data with real-world applications across Web2 and Web3.


Data Verification

TrueData SDK makes digital data transfers tamper-proof and verifiable, allowing developers to create records of data transmissions that can be independently verified.
When data is transferred between parties, TrueData SDK generates cryptographic proofs, ensuring proof of provenance and proof of integrity, verifying that the data remains unmodified in transit.
The TrueData SDK integrates seamlessly with existing security systems, allowing developers to add an extra layer of verification to data transfers without added complexity.
ZKON Offchain SDK


Seamless integration by enabling secure, verifiable data transmission across servers, APIs, data connectors, and applications.
The integrity of information is preserved as it moves through multiple parties, ensuring that the end recipient can trust the data regardless of how many steps it has traveled.
ZKON laverages advance cryptographic tools like Zero Knowledge, Multi-Party Computation, zkTLS and HMAC to ensure unparalleled data privacy and security.
Includes comprehensive SDK modules, API documentation, and plug-and-play components.

How it works?

I Initiation of Data Requests

Users or systems install TrueData SDK and initiate data requests through multiple communication channels, including servers, APIs, data connectors, and applications. The TrueData Oracle Network acts as an intermediary, processing these requests and communicating with the requested data source—including APIs, WebSockets, HTTPS connections, blockchains, or servers—to retrieve the relevant data.

II ZKON Oracle Network

The primary role of the TrueData Oracle Network is to ensure the integrity and trustworthiness of all data interactions. Using advanced cryptographic tools, the network generates two essential verifications:

Proof of Provenance – Authenticates the origin of the data.
‎▪ Proof of Integrity – Confirms that the data remains unaltered during transmission.

III Probable Data Reply and End-to-End Trust

Once the data is processed and verified, the TrueData Oracle Network generates a Probable Data Reply containing cryptographic proofs that validate the authenticity and integrity of the data. This tamper-proof response is sent back to the user or system that initiated the request, ensuring reliable information for critical decision-making.

By enabling secure and verifiable data exchanges, the TrueData Oracle Network establishes a robust, end-to-end framework trusted across various systems and applications.
ZKON Oracle Network Offchain SDK schemaZKON Oracle Network Offchain SDK schema

Verify, Secure, Scale.

Streamline privacy, scalability, and trust with ZKON's verifiable data  solutions.
Integrate ZKON
By using ZKON solutions, you acknowledge compliance with the terms of our usage policy, ensuring security, reliability, and optimal performance for all users.